Tiny Pickles are a Brighton-based theatre company, specialising in puppetry and making art you want to eat. Annie Brooks and Katherine Morton are people who are puppet makers, puppeteers and theatre makers.
We all met through the wonderful puppetry company, Long Nose Puppets. Having worked together as makers on giant badgers, talking stick insects and a chorus of mischievous rats (among many more ridiculous characters), Annie and Katherine wanted to collaborate on a new show together. We decided we wanted to adapt the beloved book by Carson Ellis into a miniature theatre piece, bought some tiny tools and thus, Tiny Pickles was born.
Our team is made up of wonderful, talented and hilarious Brighton artists. Sophie Powell is writer, puppeteer and theatre maker. Lisa Mills is a puppeteer, theatre maker and teacher. Together, we aim to bring you tactile, joyous theatre, always vibrant and fun, and sometimes, tiny.